Handy allergy Free phrase sheet!

Visit the following  UK site and down load handy phrase sheet in several languages

that let you communicate your allergies in Spanish, French, Thai, German,

This useful information comes from a UK competitor to Epipen that has been available

since Sept 2011. It comes in child and adult dose sizes of 0.15 and 0.2

It is an epipen round old style clone with needle self sheathing black cover
comes in new epipen style orange color flip top case, - has same old style safety cap but color is yellow

Interestingly they advertise
"Your adrenaline auto-injector has an expiry date and may be less effective after that date"
"24 month device expiry life"


1 Comment

jext link

Hi Carl, Thanks for the info on jecxt. The link you have is not working for me.. but was able to get to the main site. I can't find that exact wording however. Just thought I would let you know. Thanks, Wade