Anaphylaxis Educators

This page is for the sharing of educational knowledge on Anaphylaxis. The hope is that interested care giving educators and others will share and benefit from the latest in this constantly on going changing field improving their Anaphylaxis knowledge and is especially for those who teach. Since Anaphylaxis is a concern today in front and back country, the Anaphylaxis educators page was given a hosting space here which seems appropriate as Epi delivery is a function of all POME members. The emergency epi videos seem too valuable to be lost. The hope is that POME members will continue to support this knowledge placement as a public service. 

In 2005, instructors at Wilderness Medicine outfitters became aware that the field of anaphylaxis was changing with more cases, different concepts and different devices. We have now seen the Ana kit and Anaguard go and their manufacturer create the Twinject with Anapen having a 0.5 mg dose available and EPIPEN completely being redesigned. New devices are on the horizon such as “Inteleject”. Concepts and terms have changed from carry one dose to multiple doses with the change from Anaphylaxis and rebound to Uniphasic, Biphasic and Protracted with minimum of two doses always carried. Carl Weil, fawm, director of Wilderness Medicine Outfitters became very involved with Twinject including a contract as consultant with its owner at the time Verus Pharmaceuticals.

Mr. Weil began training Physicians, other company’s instructors and all interested medical and outdoor personal in the changing field of Anaphylaxis. Due to his years of involvement with Dey and his new association with Twinject, he began to dispense trainers and literature to many groups in and outside of the USA who wanted help in teaching Anaphylaxis care. During this time he became involved with several medical professionals who were also involved with Anaphylaxis Education, notably: Dr. Fitzpatrick, Dr. Hawkins, Dr. Islas, PA. Wood, Dr. Vitanza and RN Benesh. Mr. Weil was an integral part in 2007 for the 2008 Wilderness Medical Society’s Roundtable on Anaphylaxis Education that he was a part of. Mr. Weil writes blog items on Anaphylaxis Education and continues to pass on information and supplies to other educators.

In 2012 this web site, was separated from site to encourage participation for all in an independent of a particular school in Anaphylaxis Education. Mr. Weil, Dr. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Hawkins maintain control of the information shared on this page. All concerned Anaphylaxis Educators are welcome here and encouraged to submit questions as well as share new information. Those who become involved in Anaphylaxis Education projects here are encouraged to submit short bios and photos so readers know more about those really involved. We encourage Anaphylaxis Education submissions here through the Contact Us page

Mr. Weil completed his Masters degree in Anaphylaxis Education. He completed a free stand alone on line course in Anaphylaxis Education that can be taken at

We encourage you to send any Anaphylaxis Education to Mr. Weil to have added to this site section.


Weil, Fitzpatrick & Hawkins